De VS moet zich dood schamen

  Pers bericht over:  De stemming in de V.N vergadering, van afgelopen 23 juni 2021, over : “Stop de Onmenselijke blokkade contra Cuba”. 184 landen stemden tegen de blokkade van Amerika en het is een grote overwinning voor Cuba dat er zoveel landen tegen de blokkade stemden.  We zijn een poster aan het maken en hebben daar de foto’s voor nodig. De tekst luid: De Verenigde Staten van Amerika moeten zich dood schamen dat het besluit van de VN waar 184 landen tegen de blokkade stemden op 23 juni 2021, door Amerika, niet wordt gerespecteerd.  Opnieuw gebruikte Amerika haar onwettige en valse  veto recht en blokkeerde opnieuw de opheffing van de al 62 jaar durende blokkade tegen het Cubaanse  Volk. De Verenigde Staten  van America moet zich diep schamen om in deze periode van pandemie van het Corona Virus, het Cubaanse Volk te terroriseren met hun valse en onrechtmatige Veto in de VN vergadering, uit te spreken, op 23 juni 2021.  Stichting Holanda Pro Cuba, Guillermo Willem Veldhoven 29 -6-2021.(voorzitter). Voor meer informatie, zie wvcuba@hormail.com06-50994645  

Van de Cubaanse ambassade

  From: Embajada Países Bajos <>Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 1:21:50 PMTo: <>Subject: Let’s celebrate it on Twitter       Dear friends,   Today is a very happy day for my Homeland, and I would like to share with you this happiness. Yesterday, it was announced that the effectiveness of Abdala is 92.28% 8 (A Cuban candidate vaccine against COVID), which exceeds the requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO) for a  candidate vaccine against this disease to become a vaccine, which is 50%. In the past days, also was informed on the effectiveness of Sovereign 02, which is 62 percent, which also exceeds the requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO). However, the efficacy of the combination of the doses of Soberana 02 with Soberana Plus, ( A candidate vaccine led by the Finlay Institute along with other Cuban scientific institutions), remains to be known. Further, clinical trial of the candidate vaccine in the pediatric age group begins, with strict protocols observed.    Once more thing I would like to share and I would like to invite you to join us on Twitter through the Official Accounts of the Embassy @EmbaCubaHolanda and the Consulate @ConsulcuB.  Encourage to use the # (Hashtag) contained in our tweets. This celebration on Twitter will be held tomorrow 23 June at 16.00 (The Netherlands) on the occasion of the consideration of a draft resolution “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”. It will be presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, H. E. Mr. Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla at the UN General Assembly.    Accompaniment on social networks is highly appreciated, considering this is one of the most recognized means of communication and to make reality known.   If you consider it, you can also provide your support on the Facebook social network.   Thank you very much in advance.   Kind regards,      Soraya Alvarez   Embassy of the Republic of Cuba Koninginnegracht 37, 2514 AD, The Hague Tel. +31 6 13092225 E-mail: Sitio Web: Facebook: @EmbaCuba.Holanda Twitter: @EmbaCubaHolanda 

Verenigde Naties, algemene vergadering over de blokkade

Seventy-fifth session Agenda item 42 Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by theUnited States of America against Cuba               *  Reissued for technical reasons on 15 June 2021.                       Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba                          Report of the Secretary-General     Addendum       Contents       Page                       II.    Replies received from Governments…………………………………………. 2     Cuba………………………………………………………………… 2                  II.   Replies received from Governments                          Cuba   [Original: Spanish] [5 May 2021]         This addendum contains an update of the report of Cuba on General Assembly resolution 74/7, entitled “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”, and includes descriptions of the main hardships caused by this policy between April and December 2020. During this period, the United States Government tightened the embargo in an opportunistic and unparalleled way, against the background of the difficult conditions triggered by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.         In the last four years, the Government of the United States has added more than 240 coercive measures against the Cuban people and its Government which remain in effect. These measures are not mere actions to tighten the embargo, but new methods, some of them unprecedented, that have escalated the economic war against Cuba to extreme levels, as seen in the shortages that are part of daily life for every Cuban.         For Cuba, these restrictions magnify the many challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and multiply its devastating socioeconomic, health-related and financial impacts. The measures have repeatedly hampered the arrival of humanitarian aid in the country which, in the context of addressing the pandemic, is immoral and unjustifiable and highlights the embargo’s criminal nature.         Between April and December 2020, the embargo cost Cuba in the order of $3,586.9 million in losses; added to the losses of the previous period, the total from April 2019 to December 2020 amounts to more than $9,157.2 million.         At current prices, the losses accumulated in almost six decades of application of this policy amount to over $147,853.3 million. Taking into account the depreciation of the dollar against the price of gold on the international market, the embargo has caused quantifiable losses of more than $1,377,998 million.         If … lees meer

Brief van de Cubaanse ambassade

Lieve vrienden, Ik voeg hier bij deze e-mail de verklaring van opzegging van de Commissie voor Internationale Betrekkingen van de Nationale Assemblee van de Volksmacht van de Republiek Cuba vóór een nieuwe manoeuvre door het Europees Parlement. Deze week hielden enkele europarlementariërs een debat over Cuba in de Vergadering van het Europees Parlement met de bedoeling om volgende week donderdag een resolutie tegen ons aan te nemen. Dergelijke acties komen voor ons niet als een verrassing; ze weerspiegelen de dubbele moraal in de politiek. Het Europees Parlement zou zich moeten buigen over de belangrijkste schending van de mensenrechten die het Cubaanse volk heeft ondergaan, namelijk de economische, financiële en commerciële blokkade die aan Cuba is opgelegd en die tijdens de Covid-19-pandemie wordt versterkt. Als u het overweegt, aarzel dan niet om deze Verklaring te verspreiden. Vriendelijke groeten, Soraya Alvarez   Declaration of denunciation of the International Relations Commission of the National Assembly of People’s Power of the Republic of Cuba before a new maneuver by the European Parliament We have learned to our disgust that a small group of MEP’s servile to Washington have placed an item on the agenda of the next plenary session of the European Parliament (8 June) regarding the “PoliticalSituation and Human Rights in Cuba”. They are seeking the adoption of a resolution against our country based on distortion of the reality we are living; they are determined to sever the bonds that unite us with the European Union and to block implementation of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement currently being negotiated on thebasis of mutual respect and equality between our states. Such actions come as no surprise to us; they reflect the double standards, the discriminatory approach that is their hallmark. They feign concern for human rights in Cuba, a free, independent, sovereign, democratic nation that embraces social justice and human solidarity, whose people decide their destinies and where – based on an inviolable principle enunciated by José MartÍ and enshrined in our constitution – the first law of theRepublic is the Cubans’ cult of the full dignity of Man. It is strange that, being so exercised by the human rights situation in Cuba, they have not convened theEuropean Parliament to consider the main violation of human rights suffered by our people, namely thegenocidal blockade imposed on our country for the last 62 years and intensified to incredible levels in the midst of a … lees meer

Pers Bericht; “Stop blokkade contra Cuba”, 2021

Dit zijn enkele van de vijfduizend actieborden die we de komende maanden in heel Europa willen gaan plaatsen. De rekening {5000 x 100 euro} gaat naar de Amerikaanse Ambassade in Den Haag. De V.S. zijn door hun aangescherpte blokkade tegen Cuba verantwoordelijk voor de Economische Crisis op Cuba. Een blokkade die al 61 jaar duurt, immoreel, schandalig en crimineel is en heel vaak is veroordeeld door alle leden van de Verenigde Naties (op het veto-onrecht-stem, van Amerika na). Vamos a mandar a confeccionar 5000 pancartas con el texto: Alto al bloqueo de Estados Unidos a Cuba. Esas pancartas se colgaran een los próximos meses en toda Europa. El costo (5000×100) de produción de las mismas se enviará a la embajada de Estados Unidos de America en Den Haag porque ellos son resposables de la crisis económica de Cuba debido al bloqueo que ahora dura 61 años. Guillermo Willem Veldhoven 2021  Mail: Mobiel: 06 50994645 Uw donatie is van harte welkom op bank nummer: NL24 snsb 09066102365 Deze donaties worden gebruikt voor kleinschalige projecten op Cuba. Zie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


    The Network In Defense of Humanity appeal to all lovers of peace, justice and international law to denounce the unprecedented aggression of the government of the United States against Cuba, which has been going on for almost 60 years. The blockade of Cuba is based on provisions that qualify, according to international law, as unilateral coercive measures, as a crime of genocide under the Geneva Convention of 1948 and as a crime against humanity under the Roman Statute of the International Criminal Court. The U.S. government pressures and limits the actions of international banks, interferes with the granting of credits and all types of operations with Cuba, pressures suppliers of essential products -including medical instruments, medicines and food products-, sanctions shipping companies that touch Cuban ports, persecutes those who transport fuel, prohibits commercial and charter flights, prevents the arrival of US tourists and cruise ships to its coasts, restricts cultural, academic and professional visits and exchanges, prohibits sending remittances to family members, among many other damages not only for Cuba, but for other states. These measures affect the entire Cuban population and their objective is to make daily life unbearable, in order to motivate political reactions and achieve the desired regime change. It is urgent today, with the special scenario imposed by the COVID19 pandemic and the global crisis, to mobilize public opinion more strongly than ever in the face of such a long-standing outrage against a people always supportive and courageous, punished for deciding to be master of their own destiny, build a more just society and defend a sovereign country. Not even the blockade has been an obstacle for Cuban doctors, from the “Henry Reeve” Brigade, to have deployed their generous support in more than 40 nations helping to combat the pandemic. Let us fulfill our ethical duty to denounce this injustice and demand that the principles of peace, international legality, multilateralism and mutual respect prevail and that civilized relations between States prevail, as the only way to guarantee the survival of the human species on the planet.